1.It is free : This is the major reason why 85% of wapmasters use wapka,wapka to me is a magic,it has many outstanding fèature,you can create a social network,forum,blog,download portal e.t.c. with it yet it is 95% free
2.They gives subdomain extension for free : You can use their domain extension as long as you want,be it .wapka.mobi,.wapka.me e.t.c. Unlike other hoster that collects high amount of money from their customers having not up to or thesame feature as WAPKA
3.They have unlimited features : If you want to create website and you need many features,i swear you will not know what i'm talking about until you register with wapka,For now i don't think there is any feature other website builder engines have that wapka did not have,it always amaze me when i see features that wapka has,everything is possible with wapka! The best wapka feature is wxml code,you have to learn those codes from wapmasters and believe me it is not as easy as people says,you brain must be up and working when using the Wxml page
4.24/7 online access : Though WAPKA is free,there is no time i want to login to my account that it is offline,wapka serves to your personal taste
5.You can create as many wapsites as possible : It is very certain that you can create more than one websites,as i was told,you can create maximum number of 5 wapsites though i haven't verify that but it is true i think,even if it 5 calculate the number of earnings you will gain from that if you build it very well
6.Wapka doesnt share from your earnings : Unlike other engines that takes much percentage of your income, wapka doesn't involve in that,the income you earn are all yours forever
7.Their rules and terms are easy to follow : Their rules are easy to follow and not even irritating at all,they have the simplest term which rank them above all other engines
8.Secure and safe : Unless you give your password to someone or leak your secret login informations,your website is safe and secure .
9.Source code viewing : This is one of the outstanding benefits of wapka,you can view the source code of any website and clone it
Disadvantages I will just mention them below: 1.Their Url slug is annoying 2.They display ads at the footer of all websites 3.If you don't know wapka coding,you can't use it 4.Search engines don't visit new wapka sites often 5.You may face a whole lot of problems when applying from adnetworks most especially adsense
p1.It is free : This is the major reason why 85% of wapmasters use wapka,wapka to me is a magic,it has many outstanding fèature,you can create a social network,forum,blog,download portal e.t.c. with it yet it is 95% free
2.They gives subdomain extension for free : You can use their domain extension as long as you want,be it .wapka.mobi,.wapka.me e.t.c. Unlike other hoster that collects high amount of money from their customers having not up to or thesame feature as WAPKA
3.They have unlimited features : If you want to create website and you need many features,i swear you will not know what i'm talking about until you register with wapka,For now i don't think there is any feature other website builder engines have that wapka did not have,it always amaze me when i see features that wapka has,everything is possible with wapka! The best wapka feature is wxml code,you have to learn those codes from wapmasters and believe me it is not as easy as people says,you brain must be up and working when using the Wxml page
4.24/7 online access : Though WAPKA is free,there is no time i want to login to my account that it is offline,wapka serves to your personal taste
5.You can create as many wapsites as possible : It is very certain that you can create more than one websites,as i was told,you can create maximum number of 5 wapsites though i haven't verify that but it is true i think,even if it 5 calculate the number of earnings you will gain from that if you build it very well
6.Wapka doesnt share from your earnings : Unlike other engines that takes much percentage of your income, wapka doesn't involve in that,the income you earn are all yours forever
7.Their rules and terms are easy to follow : Their rules are easy to follow and not even irritating at all,they have the simplest term which rank them above all other engines
8.Secure and safe : Unless you give your password to someone or leak your secret login informations,your website is safe and secure .
9.Source code viewing : This is one of the outstanding benefits of wapka,you can view the source code of any website and clone it
Disadvantages I will just mention them below: 1.Their Url slug is annoying 2.They display ads at the footer of all websites 3.If you don't know wapka coding,you can't use it 4.Search engines don't visit new wapka sites often 5.You may face a whole lot of problems when applying from adnetworks most especially adsense